

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Colleen Christenson


Hello, I am Mrs. Christenson


I have been teaching first grade since 1999.  I graduated from Central Washington University with a degree in Elementary Education and Family Consumer Science.  I earned my Masters in Reading in 2004.  I am also trained in Science and GLAD.  In my classroom I believe that everyone is special.  I like to have fun through learning and celebrate everything.  We usually have some sort of science experiment going on or planned. 

About me:

I have lived in the valley all my life and lived in Cowiche since 1997.   I love to read, write letters, and spend time with my family.  I am married and have two children, two cats, and a crazy dog.  I love to go to the beach and travel to new places.  I love to share those adventures with my students.

To contact me you can call the school at 509-678-8900, message me on class dojo, or email me directly to Mrs. Christenson.


First Gade Padlet First Grade Padlet 


Reading and Math program sign in Reading and Math program sign in