Facilities Use Request Info and Forms
Facility Use Forms Instructions
- In-District Facility Use form: submitted by district employee to use district facility for district-related
purposes i.e. band concert, drama event, group meeting. - Facility Use Agreement-Public: submitted by patron (employee or not) to request use of district
facility for non-district related use, i.e. AAU basketball, parent group using the concession stand- Please note Regulation #15: ‘Users/Groups must provide the district a current Certificate of
Liability Insurance naming Highland School District #203, PO Box 38, Cowiche, WA 98923 as
“Certificate Holder”. A minimum of $1,000,000.00 of coverage is required.
- Please note Regulation #15: ‘Users/Groups must provide the district a current Certificate of
- Waiver-Hold Harmless: submit with all facility use requests.
- Lystedt Law Concussion Education: submit with any sports related facility use request.
- Facility Cleanup Check Off List: sign and submit with any facility use NOT using concession stand.
Keep a copy for reference. - Concession Cleanup Check List: sign and submit with facility use using the concession stand. Keep a
copy for reference. - Library Facility: Any user requesting use of the HHS/HJH library must complete and submit this
Please complete and submit to the district office the appropriate forms for the facility and event.
Staff please note: After printing your copy to sign and submit, please do not ‘Save’ the In-District Form-Fillable.
Contact Julie Notman in the District Office with questions.