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1000 Series Policies

1000 Legal Status and Operation

1105 Policy-Electoral System

1105P Procedure-Electoral System

1110 Policy-Election

1110P Procedure-Election

1111 Policy-Oath of Office

1113 Policy-Board Member Residency

1114 Policy-Board Member Resignation and Vacancy

1114P Procedure-Board Member Resignation and Vacancy

1210 Policy-Annual Organizational Meeting, Election of Officers

1220 Policy-Board Officers and Duties of Board Members

1225 Policy-School Director Legislative Program

1230 Policy-Secretary

1240 Policy-Committees

1310 Policy-Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures

1320 Policy-Suspension of a Policy

1330 Policy-Administration in the Absence of Policy or Procedure

1400 Policy-Meeting Conduct, Order of Business, and Quorum

1400P-Procedure-Meeting Conduct, Order of Business, and Quorum

1410 Policy-Executive or Closed Sessions

1420 Policy-Proposed and consent Agenda

1420P Procedure-Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda

1440 Policy-Minutes

1450 Policy-Absence of a Board Member

1611 Policy Conflicts of Interest-2nd Class Districts
1620 Policy-Board-Superintendent Relationship

1620P Procedure-Board-Superintendent Relations and Board-Staff Communication

1630 Policy-Evaluation of the Superintendent

1731 Policy-Board Member Expenses

1732 Policy-Board Member Insurance

1805 Policy-Open Government Trainings

1810 Policy-Annual Goals and Objectives

1820 Policy-Board Self-Assessment

1820P Procedure-Board Self-Assessment

1822 Policy-Training and Development for Board Members

1830 Policy-Participation in School Boards' Association